MUTALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS:Two or more than two events are said to be mutually exclusive if the occurrence any one of them exclude/ruled out the occurrence of the other .The events A1,A2.......An are mutually exhaustive if Ai intersection Aj= Empty
EXHAUSTIVE EVENTS: The events A ,B C......X,Y,Z are said to be exhaustive events ,if there Union is sample space
As .S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}. and A={1,3,5} ,B={2,4,6}
Then A Union B equal is S.
MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE AND EXHAUSTIVE EVENTS: Let S be sample space.Then the events are said to be mutually exclusive and EXHAUSTIVE if their intersection is 0 and their union is sample space.
INDEPENDENT EVENTS: Events A and B are said to be independent if happening or non happing of A does not effect the happing or non happing of B .
DEPENDENT EVENTS: Two or more than two events are said to be dependent if happening of one effects the happing of other .For example , drawing two card from a deck of card without replacement.
COMPLEMENT OF AN EVENT : The set of all outcomes which are in S but not in A is called complement of A which is denoted by A' and A'= S-A
IMPOSSIBLE EVENT: Event which do not consist any element of sample space is called impossible event . Throwing a die and hope to obtain head or tail is impossible event.
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