An expelled student armed with a power-ful assault rifle unleashed a hail of gunfire in a Florida high school killing at least17 people and injuring over a dozen others, including an American -Indian student,in one of the deadliest mass shooting in the United states .The 19 year-old suspect identified as Nikolas Cruz, a former student at Majority Stoneman Douglas High School in Park-land who was expelled for disciplinary reasons, was arrested shortly after the deadly rampage on wednesday.
Moscow/London: Russia will soon expel British diplomats in relation for Britain's decision to kick out 23 Russian envoys over a chemiczl attact on a former Russian double agent, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday. In London ,foreign secretary Boris Johnson ratcheted up the rhetoric against Russia , accusing it of glorying in the attact on Sergei Skripal , which he described as a way of scaring anyone who stood up to President Vladimir Puttin. ...
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