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Washington :A deal with North Korea is very much in the making ,and if completed it would a very good one for the world,US President Donald Trump has said ,a day after he stunned the global community by a accepting to meet North Korean leader kim jong- un.
The Washington post said TRUMp'S personal involvement in the White House's deliberations over the world's most serious and vexing security situation "has placed a president who considers himself a master deal maker into the most fraught face-off of his 71years".
"The deal with North Korea is very much in the making and will be ,if completed a very good one for the world .Time and place to be determined", Trump said in a tweet as experts and analysts scrambled to decipher the unexpected and surprising decision of the president."A breakthrough that would reduce Pyongyang's nuclear thread would be a legacy -defining achivemeachi.A stalemate that gives Kim a photo op for nothing in return could fracture US alliances and be seen as a devastating embarrassment", the sail said.
According to the wall Street journal Trump has stood the traditional diplomatic model on its head ."casting aside years of protocol,the president agreed to a summit with kim before any of his aides had even sat down with a North Korean representative to clarify precisely where Pyongyang stand on fundamental nuclear issue",it said.
And for the New York Times, the high - level diplomatic encounter is so risky and seemingly far - fetched that some of Trump's aides believe it will never happen.
"Several officials said on Friday that the UNITED STATES still needed to establish direct contact with North Korea to verify the message from kim that was conveyed by south Korean envoys to Trump on Thursday.They warned that kim could change his mind or break the promise he made about halting nuclear and missile tests during talks".
Senator Dan Sullivan,member of the Senate Armed services committee, said  it is clear that the maximum global pressure campaign US has been focused on for months under the leadership of the Trump administration US sanctions mandated by Congress, additional sanctions authorized by the UN security council,the development of credible military options,and pressuring China to do much more regarding North Korea is having a real impact and clearly starting to bite.


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